The Kissing Gate
Home of Brâncuși
The Kissing Gate closes the "Kiss" series of works by Brâncuși, beginning in 1907-1908.
The kissing gate, designed as a triumphal arch, symbolizes the victory of life over death, love and unity between man and woman. The symbol of the kiss, stylized and reduced to an idea, can be found on both sides of the gate's legs.
The gate was assembled from Banpotoc travertine blocks in October 1937. However, the year of its final sculpture is 1938, specifically from the beginning of summer to September 20, when the artist left for Paris. The two alleys (which Brâncuşi called "târcoale") that surround the gate and join again on the axis of the sculptural ensemble, are not accidental, also created at the sculptor's request.
The 2 stone benches carved from Banpotoc, originally intended to be placed in the niches of the Aleea scaunelor, were fixed by the sculptor on either side of the Kissing Gate, linking their meaning to this work.