Peștera Polovragi
Polovragi Cave is known for its association with Zamolxe, the spiritual leader of the Geto-Dacians (who could change his appearance), who is said to have lived in this cave. A stone in the shape of a throne is today called Zamolxe's seat, and is marked and delimited from the rest of the cave's relief. In the same category is also the Dacian Furnace, an element that stands out easily in Polovragi Cave, due to its shape, similar to the rudimentary ovens from that period.
Each section of the cave, on segments of about 200-300 meters, presents us with other elements that have remained in history under a certain name. In addition to the Dacian Furnace and Zamolxe's Throne, the White Room, the Column Corridor, the Stifling Corridor or the Bloody Ceiling can be observed.
Of course, as with any other cave, here we will encounter bats, but in this speleological gallery, a colony of about 300 bats from the Microchiroptera Order "hoof" (so named because of their shape) can be observed. Water drops are hanging from the cave's ceiling, often presented as Zamolxe's tears. This is due to popular belief that Zamolxe was a warrior who motivated his people to fight against the conquerors, being presented as a character tied to the land, as a protector and lover of ancestral lands.
Throughout the visit of the cave, relief changes can be observed, especially in terms of the transition from stalagmites to domes, from deep waters to relatively rare water accumulations, and the list can continue. Polovragi Cave is a building in which special and unique elements can be seen, that can not be seen in any other cave in Romania. Because it is burdened by historical and spiritual past, Polovragi Cave has become over time very well known to the public who loves knowledge.