Foeroaga Ingusta cave
"The shoe is located in the Piatra Mare of Closani massif, at a place called "Foeroaga ingusta" at an altitude of 800 meters.
It descends through the relatively narrow opening of the avenue, located on a rocky slope and after 36 meters of vertical descent, reaches the top of a massive pile of debris, about 6 meters thick, which extends deep into the Great Hall. The network of galleries and corridors that branch off from the base of the avenue is fossil, subhorizontal, developed on diaclases and bedding planes, with a length of 200 meters. It begins with a large hall, almost entirely excavated on the bedding plane.
From this, to the east, one can reach another hall, the Small Hall. Also from the Great Hall and to the northeast, a narrow corridor branches off, which has been partially explored. To the south, the Lighting Corridor branches off, separated by a narrow passage, in which one can admire light-emitting stalagmites that reach 3 meters. The walls of the avenue are damp, and those of the Great Hall and Small Hall are covered in moonmilk, white drippings and laminations. The most decorated (with drippings, drapes, stalactites, eccentric formations, crystal bushes and corallites) are the walls and ceiling of the Lighting Corridor.
The floor of the Great Hall is mostly covered by the pile of debris, and the rest is limestone (with holes and stalagmites) or covered with clay. On the Lighting Corridor, as well as in the Small Hall, the floor is stalagmitic and presents very beautiful columns, water holes, small lakes, domes and light-emitting stalagmites."
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